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2FC'11: Two Faces of Complexity

29 May 2011
Novi Sad, Serbia

                         CALL FOR STUDENT PAPERS

 			Two Faces of Complexity

 		May 29, 2011, part of RDP'11, Novi Sad, Serbia

In recent  years there have  been several approaches to  the automated
analysis of  the complexity of programs. Mostly  these approaches have
been  developed   independently  and   use  a  variety   of  different
techniques.   This  workshop  aims   to  bring  together  the  leading
researchers working in this area. In particular we are interested in a
transfer  of knowledge between  researchers working  on model-checking
and on  rewriting. While these communities essentially  solve the same
problems the  techniques (and sometimes even the  terminology) used is
quite different.

In  order  to  provide  the  best  possible  interaction  between  the
different  concerned  communities,  the  workshop  is  centred  around
invited presentations: two tutorial  and 6 technical invited talks. In
addition  to  these,  we  will  invite  contributed  papers  by  early
researches.  We are happy  to announce  that the  following colleagues
agreed to  give invited presentations at this  workshop:

*) Amir Ben-Amram, Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo, Israel
*) Samir Genaim, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
*) Juergen Giesl, RWTH Aachen, Germany
*) Nao Hirokawa, JAIST, Japan
*) Martin Hofmann, LMU Munich, Germany
*) Daniel Kroening, Oxford University
*) Jean-Yves Marion, Loria-INPL, France
*) Andreas Podelski, University of Freiburg, Germany

In addition to invited presentations we want to give early researchers
(aka  PhD  students) the  opportunity  to  contribute  papers to  this
workshop.   Thus  we  invite  submissions  in  the  form  of  extended
abstracts  on the topics  of the  workshop. Mandatory  requirement for
acceptance of these short papers  is originality, that is, only papers
presenting new  ideas (not published  or presented elsewhere)  will be
accepted. Furthermore  we will only accept  papers exclusively written
by students.  Submissions should be  no more than 6 pages and uploaded
to https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=2fc11.

The workshop  will take  place on  Sunday, May 29,  2011 in  Novi Sad,
Serbia as  part of the  Federated Conference on  Rewriting, Deduction,
and Programming (RDP 2011).

Important dates:

*) Early registration deadline: April 10
*) Please register for the workshop via the RDP site.
*) Submission of student papers: April 30
*) Notification of acceptance: May 9
*) Registration deadline: May 10

For further information see the links on the workshop web site,


or directly at http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/events/2fc11/.

Georg Moser and Andrey Rybalchenko