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PSX2: Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation

21-22 October 2011
Konstanz, Germany

PSX2 - Second International Workshop on the Philosophy of Scientific 
University of Konstanz, 21 - 22 October 2011

Experiments play an essential part in science. Not only are they used to test 
theories but they are also key to exploring new phenomenological realms, 
discovering new effects and phenomena. Nevertheless, experiments are still an 
underrepresented topic in main stream philosophy of science. The PSX workshop 
series therefore wants to give a home to philosophical interests in and 
concerns about experiment. Among the questions we want to discuss are the 
following: How is experimental practice organized, around theories or around 
something else? How independent is experimentation from theories? Does it have 
a life of its own? Can experiments undermine the threat posed to the 
objectivity of science by the thesis of theory-ladenness, underdetermination, 
or the Duhem-Quine thesis? What are the important similarities and differences 
between experiments in different sciences? What are the experimental strategies 
scientists use for making sure that their experiments work correctly? How are 
phenomena discovered or created in the laboratory? Is experimental knowledge 
epistemically more secure than observational knowledge? Can experiments give us 
good reasons for belief in theoretical entities? What role do computer 
simulations play in the assessment of experimental background noise? How 
trustworthy are they? Do they warrant the same kind of inferences as 
experimental knowledge?

Keynote speakers:
Deborah Mayo, Virginia Tech
Wendy Parker, Ohio University

We invite submissions of extended abstracts (1000 words) of papers of 
approximately 30 minutes presentation time. Please include your name, the title 
of the paper, your academic affiliation and your e-mail address in the 
submission. The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2011. Please direct your 
submissions to http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=psx2. The decisions 
will be announced by July 15, 2011.

Organizing Committee: Samuel Schindler (chair), Allan Franklin, Deborah Mayo, 
John D. Norton, Wendy Parker, Slobodan Perovic, Marcel Weber.

Questions can be directed to samuel.schindler@uni-konstanz.de.