Logic List Mailing Archive

On the Posteriority of Buechi, Lausanne (Switzerland), 31 March to 1 April 2011

 		 "On the Posterity of Büchi"
 			(Logic and Automata)
 		SSLPS Annual Meeting 2011
 		      Lausanne, Switzerland, March 31-April 1, 2011
                      URL: http://www.hec.unil.ch/logique/recent_news/SSLPS/

Mikolaj Bojanczyk     (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Thomas Colcombet  (Université Paris VII, France)
Christof Löding          (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Wolfgang Thomas     (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Igor Walukiewicz       (Université Bordeaux I, France)


Thursday, March 31.

  	13:15 -->14:45  (Wolfgang Thomas)
  	On the Impact and Perspectives of Büchi's Work - Some Personal Impressions

  	15:00 -->16:30  (Christof Löding)
 	 Strategy Synthesis for Infinite Games

  	17:00 -->18:30 (Mikolaj Bojanczyk)
  	Extensions of Omega-Regular Languages

Friday, April 1.

  	10:00 -->11:30 ( Igor Walukiewicz)
  	MSOL-transfer theorems

  	11:45 -->13:15 (Thomas Colcombet)
  	The Monadic Theory of Order

University of Lausanne, Extranef building, room 110, Dorigny quarter.

Julius-Richard Büchi (1924-1984) was a Swiss logician and a mathematician 
who received his Dr. sc. nat. in 1950 at the ETH Zürich under the 
supervision of Paul Bernays. Almost half a century ago, in 1962, he 
invented what is now called the Büchi automaton. In the recent years there 
has been tremendous efforts devoted to extending Büchi?s results. I The 
aim of this workshop is to bring together some among the best specialists 
from this new trend of automata theory and discuss the existing results 
and the ones to come.