Logic List Mailing Archive

"Rational Trust" (Copenhagen Epistemology Workshop)

9-10 Dec 2010
Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen Epistemology Workshop: Rational trust
University of Copenhagen
December 9-10, 2010

Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities, New KUA 23.2.47

Thursday Decemeber 9

12.30  13.00: Coffee
13.00  14.20: Paul Faulkner (Sheffield): The Practical Rationality of 
14.30  15.50: Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (Copenhagen):
Rational trust and epistemic consequentialism
16.00  17.20: Erik Olsson (Lund): Modelling Epistemic Trust: A
Bayesian Perspective
Friday December 10

9.30  10.00: Coffee
10.00  11.20: Kristoffer Ahlström (Copenhagen): Required Trust
11.20  12.40: Gloria Origgi (Jean Nicod): TBA
12.40  13.40: Lunch
13.40  15.00: David Owens (Sheffield): Testimony and Truthfulness
15.00  16.20: Klemens Kappel (Copenhagen): Epistemic Trust
Funding: The workshop is funded by the Velux Foundation, as part of the 
research project *The Epistemology of Liberal Democracy*. The project is 
hosted by the Social Epistemology Research Group (SERG) at the University 
of Copenhagen.

Registration: Workshop attendance is free. However, anyone who wishes to 
attend the workshop should email Nikolaj J. L. L. Pedersen 
(nikolaj@ucla.edu) to register. Please do so by Monday December 6.