Logic List Mailing Archive

Postdoctoral positions in theoretical computer science at Microsoft Research New England, Deadline: 1 Dec 2010

Microsoft Research New England has available postdoc positions in various 
areas (including theoretical CS) for the next academic year. The deadline 
to apply is December 1st. Please see http://research.microsoft.com/en- 
us/jobs/fulltime/postdoc.aspx for more details. Some candidates may also 
want to apply to the joint MIT/MSR Schramm postdoctoral fellowship in 
probability theory and discrete mathematics (same deadline, apply through 
MIT). We also have summer internship positions as well for graduate 
students- email Irene Money at msrnejob@microsoft.com for details on how 
to apply.

Please forward this information to your students/colleagues and/or any 
departmental mailing lists.


Boaz Barak