Logic List Mailing Archive

Professorship (tenure-track or tenured) in Logic or Philosophy of Logic/Mathematics/Physics, Irvine CA (U.S.A.)

The Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science invites applications for 
an Assistant Professor - Tenure Track or Tenured Associate / Full 
Professorship. Levels up to early Full Professor may be considered, budget 
permitting, for extraordinary candidates. AOS: Open with a special 
interest in Logic, Philosophy of Logic or Mathematics, and/or Philosophy 
of Physics; AOC: Open. LPS plans to hire at most one new faculty member to 
begin Fall 2011. Funding for this position is contingent on the 2011-12 
budget for the University of California, Irvine.

The University of California, Irvine is an equal opportunity employer 
committed to excellence through diversity, and strongly encourages 
applications from all qualified applicants, including women and 

Application Instructions: Please log onto: https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/ to 

The following application materials are requested:

1. Cover Letter
2. CV (include list of publications)
3. Letters of Recommendation: provide a list of three recommenders.
Submission of a list of recommenders is required for all applicants,
but submission of the letters is optional for tenured applicants.
Non-tenured applicants must arrange with recommenders to have letters
submitted online via the recruit application system or send letters to
the department via email attachment to lps@uci.edu or by regular post.

Search Committee Chair
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
3151 Social Sciences (SSPA)
University of California, Irvine

4. Writing Sample
5. Research Statement
6. Evidence of Teaching Experience and Success