Logic List Mailing Archive

Formal Epistemology Workshop

15-16 Oct 2010
Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen-NIP Formal Epistemology Workshop
Venue: Room 23.4.39, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen.

Friday October 15:
9.00  9.30: Coffee
9.30  11.00: Olivier Roy (Groningen) : Agreement Theorems, Moral 
Cognitivism and Deliberative Democracy
11.15  12.45: Sonja Smets (Groningen) and Alexandru Baltag (Oxford): 
12.45  14.00: Lunch
14.00  15.30: Hannes Leitgeb (Bristol and LMU München): Reducing Belief 
Simpliciter to Degrees of Belief
15.45  17.15: Branden Fitelson (Rutgers): Knowledge from non-knowledge
18.30  : Workshop dinner

Saturday October 16:
9.30  10.00: Coffee
10.00  11.30: Tomoji Shogenji (Rhode Island): The Role of Coherence in 
the Transmission of Testimonial Justification
11.45  13.15: Erik Olsson (Lund): Setting the Threshold of Assertion: A 
Simulation Study in Social Epistemology
13.15  14.15: Lunch
14.15  15.45: Stephan Hartmann (Tilburg): No-Alternatives Arguments
Webpage: http://www.nikolajpedersen.com/few2010101516.html

Registration: Attending the workshop is free, but lunch is 140 D.kr. 
(covers both Friday and Saturday) and the workshop dinner 500 D.kr. 
People who wish to attend the workshop must register by emailing Nikolaj 
J. L. L. Pedersen (nikolaj@ucla.edu) no later than Friday October 8. In 
the email it should be indicated which of the meals are wanted, if any. 
Payment for meals must be made in cash at the beginning of the workshop.

Funding: The workshop is funded by Prof. Vincent Hendricks Elite 
Research Prize, awarded in 2008 by the Danish Ministry for Science and 
Innovation, and the Northern Institute of Philosophy, University of 


Monday October 18:

9.00  9.30: Coffee
9.30  10.50: Martin Smith (Glasgow): Entitlement and Evidence
10.50  12.10: Tomoji Shogenji (Rhode Island): TBA
12.10  13.10: Lunch break
13.10  14.30: Julien Dutant (Geneva): Methods Models for Belief and 
14.30  15.50:  Jens Christian Bjerring (ANU/Copenhagen): Non-Ideal 
Epistemic Spaces

Webpage: http://www.nikolajpedersen.com/few20101018.html

Funding: The workshop is funded by Prof. Vincent Hendricks Elite 
Research Prize, awarded in 2008 by the Danish Ministry for Science and 