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Infinity 2010: Verification of Infinite-State Systems

21 Sep 2010
Singapore, Singapore

                       *** CALL FOR PAPERS ***
                                 INFINITY  2010

        The Twelfth International Workshop on Verification
                          of Infinite-State Systems

                   Singapore, September 21, 2010
                      Co-located with ATVA 2010

     Please note: submission deadline June 15, 2010

The aim of the INFINITY workshop is to provide a forum for researchers
interested in the development of formal methods and algorithmic techniques for
the analysis of systems with infinitely many states, and their application in
automated verification of complex software and hardware systems.

Program Committee:

* Parosh Abdulla, Uppsala University, Sweden
* Yu-Fang Chen (co-chair), Academia Sinica, Taiwan
* Peter Habermehl, LIAFA, Universite Denis Diderot---Paris 7, CNRS, France
* Radu Iosif, VERIMAG, Universite Joseph Fourier/INPG/CNRS, France
* Barbara Koenig, Universitat Duisburg-Essen, Germany
* Akash Lal, Microsoft Research, Bangalore, India
* Richard Mayr, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
* Kedar Namjoshi, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, USA
* Jean-Francois Raskin, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
* Ahmed Rezine (co-chair), Uppsala University, Sweden
* Arnaud Sangnier, Universita di Genova, Italy
* Yih-Kuen Tsay, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
* Tomas Vojnar, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

* Infinite-state models of software/hardware systems
* Abstraction techniques for infinite-state systems
* Symbolic analysis techniques and data structures for representing
infinite state spaces
* Model-checking, static analysis, abstract interpretation,
preorder/equivalence-checking, and control synthesis for
infinite-state systems
* Parameterized networks of parallel processes, dynamic networks, mobile systems
* Systems with unbounded dynamic data and control structures
* Probabilistic and timed systems
* Games in modeling and verification of infinite-state systems
* Verification techniques for security properties, cryptographic protocols
* Verification techniques for systems biology

Paper Submission:

There are two types of submissions.

* Regular papers will be thoroughly evaluated by the programme
committee and accepted submissions will be published in the
proceedings. Authors are invited to submit an original contribution
presenting unpublished work in the relevant areas. By submitting you
agree that, in case of acceptance, at least one (co-)author will
register and present the paper at the workshop. Contributions should
be typeset in the EPTCS format and should not exceed 15 pages.

* Presentations are reports on recent (or ongoing) work. It is
possible to submit a paper which recently appeared (or which is going
to appear) in proceedings of another conference, or which has not yet
been submitted. Neither the paper nor the abstract will be published
in the proceedings. These contributions will be judged solely on the
basis of their attractiveness to the workshop. Authors are invited to
submit a one-page abstract.

Both kind of papers should be submitted through EasyChair by following
the link: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=infinity2010.


Pre-proceedings of INFINITY 2010 will be available at the workshop in a printed
form. Final versions of the papers will appear in a volume of
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.

Important Dates:

Regular Papers

* Submission: June 15, 2010
* Notification: July 15, 2010
* Final version: August 10, 2010


* Submission: August 15, 2010
* Notification: August 30, 2010
