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MOVEP 2010: Summer School on Modelling and Verifying parallel Processes, Aachen (Germany), 28 June - 2 July 2010; Deadline: tomorrow!

********************** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ************************

                         MOVEP 2010

           9th International Summer School on
           MOdelling and VErifying parallel Processes

            June 28 -- July 2 2010, Aachen, Germany



AIMS AND SCOPE   -----------------------------------------------------

MOVEP is a  5 day summer school about  modelling and verifying parallel
processes.  The  first five  occurrences of the  School took  place in
Nantes (France) every two years  from 1994 to 2002.  The next editions
were held in Brussels (Belgium) in December 2004, in Bordeaux (France)
in June 2006, and in Orleans (France) in June 2008.

The purpose  of MOVEP is  to bring together researchers,  students and
people from industry working in the fields of control and verification
of concurrent and reactive systems.  The school seeks to offer a broad
spectrum of current  research in this area of  theoretical and applied
computer  science. The  topics  covered by  MOVEP  2010 include  model
checking,  testing, synthesis,  real-time and  hybrid  systems, games,
stochastic systems, security, computational systems biology etc.

MOVEP 2010 is supported by the ESF GAMES project, INRIA Rennes, Action
AFSEC (CNRS) and the RWTH Aachen.

PROGRAM   ------------------------------------------------------------

Tutorials (2h30)

  o Stochastic games
       Krishnendu Chatterjee (IST Austria, Vienna, A)
  o Verification of security protocols
       Vronique Cortier (LORIA/CNRS, Nancy, F)
  o Testing and model generation
       Bengt Jonsson (University of Uppsala, S)
  o Model checking probabilistic systems
       Joost-Pieter Katoen (RWTH Aachen, D)
  o Programming languages for biology
       Andrew Phillips (Microsoft Research Cambridge, GB)
  o Timed Systems
       James Worrell (Oxford University, GB)

Technical Talks (1h30)

  o Compositional shape analysis
       Dino Distefano (Queen Mary University of London, GB)
  o Bounded model checking of hybrid systems
       Martin Frnzle (University of Oldenburg, D)
  o Realisability of message sequence charts
       Blaise Genest (IPAL/CNRS, Singapore, SGP)
  o Presburger arithmetic and verification of infinite state systems
       Jrme Leroux (LaBRI/CNRS, Bordeaux, F)
  o Model checking recursive programs
       Stefan Schwoon (LSV, Cachan, F)

Ph.D. STUDENT SESSIONS   ---------------------------------------------

In addition to the tutorials and talks, there will be special sessions
where Ph.D.  students have the  possibility to present  their on-going
research. Extended abstracts have to be submitted electronically until
May 21st (see the web site for detailed submission instructions).

REGISTRATION   -------------------------------------------------------

Registration to the School is open from April 12,2010.
Registration fees are:
  o Student    50 Euros
  o Academic   80 Euros
  o Other     100 Euros

The registration  fee includes  attendance to the  scientific program,
course materials, coffee breaks, and a conference dinner.

A limited number of travel grants for students is available (see web

ORGANISATION   -------------------------------------------------------

Steering Committee

  o Franck Cassez             (NICTA/CNRS, Sydney, AU)
  o Jean-Michel Couvreur      (LIFO, Orlans, F)
  o Thierry Jron             (INRIA, Rennes, F)
  o Franois Laroussinie      (LIAFA, Paris, F)
  o Christof Lding           (RWTH Aachen, D)
  o Mark D. Ryan              (Univ. Birmingham, GB)

Program Committee

  o Christel Baier            (TU Dresden, D)
  o Karthik Bhargavan         (MS Research Cambridge, UK)
  o Patricia Bouyer-Decitre   (LSV, Cachan, F)
  o Vronique Cortier         (LORIA - CNRS, F)
  o Thomas A. Henzinger       (IST Austria, A)
  o Petr Jancar               (VSB-TU, Ostrava, CZ)
  o Claude Jard               (ENS Cachan-Bretagne, Rennes, F)
  o Joost-Pieter Katoen       (RWTH Aachen, D)
  o Felix Klaedtke            (ETH Zurich, CH)
  o Steve Kremer              (LSV, Cachan, F)
  o Rupak Majumdar            (UC Los Angeles, USA)
  o Markus Mller-Olm         (Univ. of Mnster, D)
  o Damian Niwinski           (Univ. of Warsaw, PL)
  o Joel Ouaknine             (Oxford Univ., GB)
  o Jean-Francois Raskin      (ULB, Bruxelles, B)
  o Olivier Roux              (IRCCyN, Nantes, F)
  o Jeremy Sproston           (Univ. of Torino, I)
  o Grgoire Sutre            (LaBRI, Bordeaux, F)
  o Luca Vigano               (Univ. of Verona, I)

Local Organisation

  o Christof Lding           (RWTH Aachen, D)

IMPORTANT DATES   ----------------------------------------------------

May 21:         Deadline for submission of student papers
May 27:         Deadline for booking accommodation at special rates
June 1:         End of registration
June 28-July 2: Summer school MOVEP 2010

FURTHER INFORMATION   ------------------------------------------------

Web site:        http://automata.rwth-aachen.de/movep2010/
Email:           movep2010@automata.rwth-aachen.de