Logic List Mailing Archive

"Category Theory and Philosophy of Mathematics Today", Paris (France), 17 May, 31 May

14 June 2010

Thorie des catgories et la philosophie des mathmatiques aujourd'hu
(un vnement-satellite associ au colloque Foundations of
mathematics: What and Why?, Paris, 18 mai - 25 juin 2010)

Category Theory and Philosophy of Mathematics Today
(a satellite event associated with the workshop  Foundations of
mathematics: What and Why?, Paris, May 18 - June 25 )

le 17 mai 2010 de 9h  16h=09 /  May 17, 2010 from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
le 31 mai 2010 de 9.30h  16h    /  May 31, 2010 from 9.30 A.M. to 4 P.M.
le 14 juin 2010 de 9.30h  18h30 /  June 14, 2010 from 9.30 A.M. to 6.30 

Paris, Ecole Normale Suprieure (45, rue d'Ulm, 75005)
salle "W" (escalier B, 3-me tage): le 17 et 31 mai et le 14 juin  la 
salle Beckett (rez-de-chauss): le 14 juin aprs-midi

Paris, Ecole Normale Suprieure (45, rue d'Ulm, 75005)
salle "W" (staircase B, 3d floor): May 17, 31 and June 14 in the morning
salle Beckett (ground floor): June 14 afternoon

LANGES: franais et anglais
LANGUAGES: French and English


le 17 mai / May 17 (ENS, salle "W"):

9h - 9h30 / 9 - 9.30 A.M.:
Andrei Rodin:
Welcoming address

9h30 - 10h50 / 9.30 - 10.50 A.M.
Yuri Manin
Languages of Mathematics

11h - 12h20 / 11A.M. - 12.20 P.M.
Christian Houzel (*)

12h20 - 14h  / 12.20 P.M. - 2 P.M.

14h-15h / 2 - 3 P.M.
Ren Guitart
Topos and Algebraic Universe

15h - 16h / 3 - 4 P.M.
Noson Yanofsky
On the Utility of Category Theory

le 31 mai / May 31 (ENS, salle "W"):

9h30 - 10h30  /  9.30 - 10.30 A.M.
Alberto Peruzzi (*)
Categorical philosophy, rather than philosophy of category theory

10h40 - 12h  /  10.40 A.M. - 12 P.M.
Jean Sallantin & Dominique Luzeaux
Ideosphres et mathmes : utilisation d'outils catgoriques

12h - 14h  / 12 P.M. - 2 P.M.

14h - 15h  /  2 - 3 P.M.
Alain Prout
On the link between topoi and the vernacular of mathematics

15h - 16h  / 3 - 4 P.M.
Andrei Rodin
Towards categorical foundations of geometry: a historical approach

le 14 juin / June 14: (ENS, salle "W", salle Beckett)

9h30 - 10h50  /  9.30 - 10.50 A.M. (salle "W")
Jean Bnabou
"Transcendent" methods in Category  Theory

11h - 12h  / 11 A.M. - 12 P.M. (salle "W")
Marc Lachize-Rey
Catgories et physique: un example de la gravitation quantique

12h20 - 14h  /  12.20 P.M. - 2 P.M.

14h - 15h  /  2 - 3 P.M.  (salle Beckett)
Giuseppe Longo
L'esprit des categories et la vie

15h - 16h  /  3 - 4 P.M. (salle Beckett)
Pino Rosolini
Categories and sets

16h15 - 17h15  / 4.15 - 5.15 P.M. (salle Beckett)
Jean Petitot

17h15 - 18h30  / 5.15 - 6.30 P.M. (salle Beckett)
Table Ronde / Round Table

(*) sous rserve d'une confirmation / to be confirmed