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DGL10: 4th Workshop in Decisions, Games & Logic

9-11 June 2010
Paris, France

Call for Papers:

DGL10: Fourth Workshop in Decisions, Games & Logic
June 9  June 11, 2010

Paris, France

Formal approaches to rational individual and interactive decision making 
is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field of research. The workshop series
in Decisions, Games & Logic (DGL) started in 2007 aims at fostering 
interactions between graduate students, post-docs and senior researchers 
from economics, logic and philosophy. These years workshop will take 
place at the ENS in Paris and is supported by the Décision, Rationalit
et Interaction Group at the Institut dHistoire et de Philosophie des 
Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST) and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes 
Commerciales (HEC Paris).

It will feature:

Three tutorials in Decisions, Games & Logic

Each DGL features three tutorials, one on decision theory, one on game 
theory and one on logic, given by leading researchers. For DGL10, these 
will be given by:

Itzhak Gilboa (Tel-Aviv, HEC Paris, Yale)
Martin Meier (Institut für Höhere Studien Vienna, IAE Barcelona)
Philippe Mongin (CNRS, HEC Paris)

Panel discussion on the theme The future of the Decision Sciences

The fourth edition of the DGL has also the pleasure to feature a 
discussion panel on the The future of the Decision Sciences (TBC). 
Participants include:

Mohammed Abdellaoui (CNRS, HEC Paris)
Richard Bradley (London School of Economics)
Itzhak Gilboa (Tel-Aviv, HEC Paris, Yale) (TBC)

The session will be chaired by Philippe Mongin (CNRS, HEC Paris).

Presentations by young researchers

Each DGL features presentations by young researchers. We invite 
submissions in the fields of decision theory, game theory, logic and 
formal philosophy. Preference will be given to conceptual work in these 
fields and work that combines problems of these fields. For DGL10, there 
are two types of submissions:

(1) Extended abstracts for presentation session
We invite submissions of extended abstracts (max. 2 pages, A4, 10pt) by 
young researchers (graduate students and post-docs). All accepted 
submissions will be allowed 20 minutes for presentation. All presentations
will be followed by a short comment and a discussion. To stimulate 
discussion, presenters of accepted papers may be invited to comment on 
another paper, if the topics are sufficiently similar. Extended abstracts
will be selected by the Programme Committee.

(2) Short abstracts for poster session
We invite submissions of short abstracts (up to 1/2 page) by graduate 
students. All accepted submissions will be allowed 5 minutes for 
presentation, and extensive informal discussion time will be scheduled. 
Abstracts for posters will be selected by the Organizing Committee.

Submission information

For both sessions authors should send an abstract (pdf or postscript 
format) together with their name, affiliation(s) and current position(s) 
to dgl [at] rationalite.org by March 30, 2010. We strongly encourage 
graduate students to submit. Notification of acceptance will be given by 
May 1, 2010.

Important dates

Deadline for submission: March 30, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: May 1, 2010
DGL10 Workshop: June 9  June 11, 2010

Programme Committee

Pierpaolo Battigalli (Bocconi)
Johan van Benthem (ILLC & Stanford)
Oliver Board (Pittsburgh)
Luc Bovens (London School of Economics)
Richard Bradley (London School of Economics)
Adam Brandenburger (Stern School of Business, NYU)
Jacques Duparc (HEC Lausanne)
Paul Egre (Paris)
Itzhak Gilboa (Tel-Aviv, HEC Paris, Yale)
James Joyce (Michigan)
Philippe Mongin (CNRS, HEC Paris)
Eric Pacuit (Tilburg)

Organizing Committee

Mikaël Cozic (Université Paris 12, IHPST)
Brian Hill (HEC Paris, IHPST)


Email: dgl2010 [at] rationalite.org
Website: http://meansandends.com/workshop10/