Logic List Mailing Archive

"Model Theory of Fields" for PhD students

19-25 June 2010
Snowbird UT, U.S.A.

This summer there will be a Math Research Community in the Model Theory of 
Fields. The program is run by the American Mathematical Society, funded 
largely by the NSF, and it will take place at Snowbird, Utah June 19-25, 
2010. Those of us organizing the program believe it will be a great and 
intense opportunity for 40 Ph-D-young researchers to learn about and work 
on problems related to the model theory of valued fields, including topics 
in motivic integration, Witt-Frobenius, and Berkovich spaces.  There will 
also be a follow-up with a special session in New Orleans in January 2011, 
and some support for travel there as well.

See http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/mrc-10.html for details. Application 
deadline: March 1,2010.