Logic List Mailing Archive

Days in Logic 2010

28-30 Jan 2010
Porto, Lisbon

Days in Logic 2010
28-30 January 2010 @ DCC-FCUPort

This conference aims at bringing together mathematicians, computer 
scientists and other scientists from Portugal (but also elsewhere) with 
interest in Logic. It is specially directed to graduate students.

The three previous editions were held in:

* Lisboa (2008)
* Coimbra (2006)
* Braga (2004).

This event is organized by Luís Antunes (Dept. Computer Science, U. 
Porto, Portugal & SQIG- Instituto de Telecomunicações), Mári
o Jorge 
Edmundo (DCeT, U. Aberta, Portugal & CMAF  U. de Lisboa), and João 
(Dep. Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico & SQIG- Instituto de 
Telecomunicações), and sponsored by: Faculdade de Ciências d
a U. Porto; 
CMAF  U. de Lisboa; SQIG  Instituto de Telecomunicações.

There are no registration fees, but registration is requested: please send
an email to days.in.logic@gmail.com with your name and affiliation.

The conference is composed of three invited keynote courses, and 
contributed talks. The invited courses, with the duration of three hours 
each, are organized in three sessions of one hour. The contributed talks 
will have the duration of twenty minutes including discussion. The 
programme and timetable will appear soon.

Invited keynote courses:

* Deirdre Haskell (Department of Mathematics and Statistics McMaster 
University, Canada):

Title: Some applications of model theory to algebra.
Abstract: I will assume a basic knowledge of logic, including completeness
and compactness of first-order logic. Building on this, I will explore the
notions of model completeness and quantifier elimination from a 
model-theoretic point of view, and discuss applications to theories of 

Lecture 1:
Model-theoretic criteria for model-completeness and quantifier 
elimination, with an application in real closed ordered fields.

Lecture 2:
Proof of quantifier elimination for real closed ordered fields and 
algebraically closed valued fields.

Lecture 3:
Elimination of imaginaries as seen in real closed ordered fields and 
algebraically closed valued fields.

* Wafik Lotfallah (The American University in Cairo, Egypt)

Title: The Power of Generalized Quantifiers in Finite (and Infinite) Model
Abstract: In the context of finite model theory and descriptive 
complexity, first order logic is known to have severe limitations. On one
hand it cannot count, because very simple linear time queries such as Even
(= Does the model have even size?) are not first order definable. On the
other hand, it lacks recursion, because it cannot express some simple 
NLOGSPACE queries such as Reachability (= Is there a directed path from x
to y?). To overcome these limitations, we could use infinitary logic, 
which allows infinite conjunctions and disjunctions. However, infinitary 
logic is too powerful, as it expresses all possible queries over the class
of finite models. Thus, we could weaken this logic by insisting that the 
number of variables used in formulas is finite. This results into an 
interesting logic that can express recursion, but still lacks the power to
count. Another alternative is to use second order logic, which is also 
quite powerful as it captures the polynomial hierarchy. In fact, even 
existential second order logic captures NPTIME. Thus, unless PTIME = 
NPTIME we need to seek weaker fragments of it. Still another approach is 
to augment first order logic with counting quantifiers (that count) and/or
fixed point operators (that express recursion). These different ways of 
extending first order logic are two instances of the generalized 
quantifiers, introduced by Lindström in 1966. This minicourse motivate
the introduction of generalized quantifiers and illustrates their power 
and limitation. It is assumed that the audiences are familiar with first 
order logic and basic model theory, as well as few notions from complexity
theory, e.g. PTIME. The course stresses on basic concepts, examples, and 
proof ideas. Below is an outline of the lectures:

Lecture 1: Basic Definitions and Motivation: • Limitations of first
order logic • Infinitary logic (with finitely many variables), 
(existential) second order logic • Fixed point logic • Coun
quantifiers, unary quantifiers • Generalized quantifiers, arity, wi
and type • Examples

Lecture 2: Games Capturing Logics: • Ehrenfeucht games for first or
logic, applications • Pebble games for infinitary logic, applicatio
• Bijective games for logics with generalized quantifiers of bounde

Lecture 3: Hierarchy Theorems for Generalized Quantifiers: • Type
hierarchy • Quantifier rank hierarchy • Lower bounds for ex

References: 1) Ebbinghaus and J. Flum: Finite Model Theory, 2nd Edition, 
Springer Verlag, Chapter 12, (1999). 2) Hella: Logical hierarchies in 
PTIME, Information and Computation, vol. 129, pp. 1-19 (1996). 3) Hella, 
Luosto, and Väänänen: The Hierarchy Theorem for Generalized
Quantifiers, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 61, pp. 802-817 (1996). 4) 
Keisler and Lotfallah: Rank Hierarchies for Generalized Quantifiers, 
submitted to the Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, preprint available from
the authors. 5) Lindström: First order predicate logic with generalize
quantifiers, Theoria, vol. 32, pp. 186–195 (1966). 6) Vää
nänen: A 
survey of generalized quantifiers on finite models, from Vään
website: http://www.math.helsinki.fi/logic/opetus/ylkvantII/beatcs.pdf

* Simão Melo de Sousa (Departamento de Informática, Universidade 
Beira Interior, Portugal): title and abstract to be announced.

For more information, please visit the Days in Logic 2010 website.