Logic List Mailing Archive

Logic, Rationality and Intelligent Interaction

15-20 Aug 2010
Copenhagen, Denmark


                            CALL FOR SHORT PAPERS

                            ESSLLI 2010 WORKSHOP

                     Copenhagen, August 15 - 20, 2010

       URL: http://ai.stanford.edu/~epacuit/lograt/wkshp-esslli2010.html

About the Workshop

In recent years there has been a good deal of interest in
developing two perspectives in tandem: logics that analyze
agent interaction, and introducing interactive viewpoints into
logic itself. While this has generated much new research,
many broad questions remain.

This workshop will systematically cover a number of major
issues that arise here, in the form of 5 meetings on different
interfaces. The format for each will be the same:

- relevant material will be posted beforehand on this website;
- a short introduction to the theme by one of the organizers;
- a brief issue-oriented invited lecture by a prominent colleague
  of the 'interface', either alone, or in pairs where suitable; and
- discussion including the audience, geared toward clarification
  and identifying further research questions.

We solicit short pieces (5 pages) about at least one of the
themes described below. The accepted pieces will be
made available on the website before the conference,
and we will select a number of them for a short presentation
(10 minutes) during the workshop.

The workshop will take place during the second week of
ESSLLI 2010 in Copenhagen.

Workshop Format

The workshop will focus on 5 different themes:

Day 1: Interactive Agency: the dynamic turn in logic
  What does it mean for logic itself to take this new stance? Where
  do we stand today? Which paradigms are available, in addition
  to dynamic epistemic logic and its ilk?

Day 2: Modeling agency: a view from computer science
  A discussion of new contacts and new methods. For example,
  modeling fine-structure of agents via automata theory, and
  related computational and game techniques.   What do these new
  techniques contribute to the broader issues surrounding the
  logical modeling of rational agents?

Day 3: Interactive agency: a view from philosophy
  There is growing interest in using mathematical methods to
  study classic questions in epistemology (eg., formal
  epistemology).  What can logic contribute, and in doing so,
  can it regain some of its former importance in philosophy?

Day 4: Strategic interaction: a view from game theory
Given some striking differences in perspective, what are the
significant cooperations that can be expected between logic
(as understood here) and game theory?

Day 5: Strategic interaction: a view from cognitive science
The move toward agency has a more 'empirical' ring, even
though the logics that have been produced so far are as
normative as their more classical counterparts. What significant
new issues can be profitably explored at the interface of logic
and cognitive reality?

The workshop will consist of talks by the organizers and
invited speakers (one expert for each day), supported by
material on the workshop webpage. There will also be a
discussion part including contributed short research statements:

20 minutes, introduction to subject by the organizers
40 minutes, invited talk
20 minutes, 1-2 short research statements
10 minutes, general discussion

We solicit short pieces (5 pages) about at least one of the
themes described above. The accepted pieces will be
made available on the website before the conference,
and we will select a number of them for a short presentation
(10 minutes) during the workshop.

Please email submissions to  logratint2010@gmail.com by
April 1, 2010.

Invited Speakers


Workshop Organizers

Johan van Benthem
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation
University of Amsterdam
Department of Philosophy
Stanford University
email: johan.vanbenthem at uva.nl

Eric Pacuit
Department of Philosophy
Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science
Tilburg University
email: e.j.pacuit at uvt.nl

Programme Committee

The program committee will consist of the organizers and the
invited speakers.

Important Dates

Paper submission:  April 1, 2010
Author notification:  May 1, 2010
Final paper due:     June 1, 2010
Workshop dates:    August 16 - 20, 2010