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CSL 2001 -- First CALL FOR PAPERS (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 18:44:50 +0100
From: Francois Laroussinie <Francois.Laroussinie@lsv.ens-cachan.fr>
Subject: CSL 2001 -- First CALL FOR PAPERS

		     CSL 2001 -- First CALL FOR PAPERS

15th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic

		   Paris, France, September 10-13, 2001


CSL is intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve
logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer
science. Suggested topics of interest include: automated deduction and
interactive theorem proving, constructive mathematics and type theory,
equational logic and term rewriting, linear logic, logical aspects of
computational complexity, finite model theory, higher order logic, logic
programming and constraints, lambda and combinatory calculi, logical
foundations of programming paradigms, modal and temporal logics, model
checking, functions of program development (specification, extraction,
transformation ...), categorical logic and topological semantics, domain
theory, database theory.


   Paper submissions           :  March 15, 2001
   Notifications of acceptance :  May 8, 2001
   Final version due           :  June 1, 2001
   CSL 2001 conference	       :  September 10-13, 2001


Submitted papers must describe work not previously published. They must not
be submitted concurrently to a journal or to another conference. Papers
(co)authored by members of the Program Committee are not allowed.
Submissions must not exceed 15 pages (in the usual format for Springer LNCS).

For any further informations, see:  http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/csl01/
or send a message to: csl01@lsv.ens-cachan.fr 


Jean-Yves Girard (IML, Marseille)
Peter O'Hearn (QMW College, London)
Jan Van den Bussche (U. Limburg)


Andrea Asperti (U. Bologna)
Julian Bradfield (U. Edinburgh)
Ren? David (U. Savoie)
Gilles Dowek (INRIA)
Laurent Fribourg (ENS Cachan) (chair)
Daniel Leivant (Indiana U.)
David McAllester (AT&T)
Johann Makowsky (Technion Haifa)
Aart Middeldorp (U. Tsukuba)
Catuscia Palamidessi (Penn. State)
Frank Pfenning (CMU)
Philippe Schnoebelen (ENS Cachan)
Iain Stewart (U. Leicester)
Moshe Vardi (Rice U.)
Philip Wadler (Bell Labs)
Thomas Wilke  (U. Kiel)