Logic List Mailing Archive

SOCREAL 2010: Philosophy and Ethics of Social Reality

27-28 Mar 2010
Sapporo, Japan


2nd International Workshop on Philosophy and Etics of Social Reality

27 - 28 March 2010, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JAPAN


Call for Papers

Researchers from various fields, including logic, philosophy, ethics, computer 
science, cognitive science are hereby invited to submit an extended abstract 
(up to two thousand words) by 1 November 2009 to CAEP 
(caep@let.hokudai.ac.jp). The abstract should be written in English and sent 
as an attachment in pdf format. Each abstract should include a title, names 
and contact details of all the authors. It is requisite for at least one of 
the author(s) of each accepted paper to attend the workshop and present the 
paper. The time for presentation will be 55 minutes including discussion. The 
working language of SOCREAL Workshop is English.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

     * language (or communication) as part of social reality,
     * speech acts (or communicative acts) as what shape social reality,
     * moral commitments (and conflicts) in social interaction,
     * logic and game theory as tools for studying social reality,
     * (organized) collective agency,
     * norms and normative systems,
     * social institutional facts and their dynamics.