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New journal "Cognitive Computation"

New Springer journal "Cognitive Computation":

We are delighted to announce the publication of the third (quarterly) 
Issue (Sep 2009) of Springer's exciting new multi-disciplinary journal in 
the neurosciences: "Cognitive Computation" - www.springer.com/12559

You will also be pleased to know that ALL (full) articles in Cognitive 
Computation are FREELY AVAILABLE for access/download through December 31, 
2009. Please ask your library to subscribe for 2010 and beyond!

The full listing of Issue 3 (Sep 2009) can be viewed here: 

The full listing of the Inaugural Issue 1 (March 2009) can be viewed here 
(which includes invited authoritative reviews by leading researchers in 
their areas - including keynote papers from London University's John 
Taylor, Igor Aleksander and Stanford University's James McClelland, and 
invited papers from Kevin Gurney, Ron Sun, Pentti Haikonen, Geoff 
Underwood, Claudius Gross, Anil Seth and Tom Ziemke): 

The full listing of Issue 2 (June 2009) can be viewed here (which includes 
invited reviews and original research contributions from leading 
researchers, including Rodney Douglas, Giacomo Indiveri, Jurgen 
Schmidhuber, Thomas Wennekers, Pentti Kanerva and Friedemann 

Other 'Online First' published articles not yet in a print issue can be 
viewed here: 

For further information and to sign up for electronic "Table of Contents 
alerts" please visit the Cognitive Computation homepage: 

Finally, we would like to invite you to submit short or regular papers 
describing original research or timely review of important areas - our aim 
is to peer review all papers within approximately SIX WEEKS of receipt. We 
also welcome relevant proposals for Special Issues.

With our very best wishes for all aspiring readers and authors of 
Cognitive Computation,

Amir Hussain, PhD (Editor-in-Chief: Cognitive Computation)
Igor Aleksander, PhD (Honorary Editor-in-Chief: Cognitive Computation)
John Taylor, PhD (Chair, Advisory Board: Cognitive Computation)