Logic List Mailing Archive

14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science

19-26 July 2011
Nancy, France

NANCY, JULY 19-26, 2011

Starting from 1960 the International Congress of Logic, Methodology and 
Philosophy of Science has been held every four years in capital cities 
and/or by famous university centers.

Previous congresses

     * 1960 Stanford, California, USA
     * 1964 Jerusalem, Israel
     * 1967 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
     * 1971 Bucharest, Romania
     * 1975 London, Ontario, Canada
     * 1979 Hanover, Federal Republic of Germany
     * 1983 Salzburg, Austria
     * 1987 Moscow, USSR
     * 1991 Uppsala, Sweden
     * 1995 Florence, Italy
     * 1999 Krakow, Poland
     * 2003 Oviedo, Spain
     * 2007 Beijing, China

Although the material organization is provided by Nancy, France has 
delegated Nancy to this task. Formally, the congress is organized on a 
national level. The candidature of Nancy was approved by the CNFHPS 
(French National Committee of History and Philosophy of Science), which 
exists within COFUSI (French Committee of International Scientific 
Unions), the national institution responsible for the relations with the 
International Union of History and Philosophy of Science (where DLMPS is 
one out of two divisions).

division of logic, methodology and philosophy of science (dlmps)

The Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (DLMPS) is 
one out of two divisions, the second one being the Division of History of 
Science and Technology (DHST), of the International Union of History and 
Philosophy of Science (IUHPS), which are members of the prestigious 
International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU).

The DLMPS was established in 1955. Its objectives are : to promote 
contacts among logicians, philosophers of science and scientists 
interested in the foundational problems of their disciplines, and among 
institutions dedicated to logic, methodology, and philosophy of science; 
to encourage and sustain research and study of important problems in 
logic, methodology, and philosophy of science; to collect documents useful 
for the development of logic, methodology and philosophy of science; to 
organize, sponsor, and support international meetings of logic, 
methodology and philosophy of science (International Congresses and 
Symposia), and to publish reports, Conference Proceedings, and other works 
related to such meetings.

For more information: http://phil.gu.se/dlmps/