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CfP special issue of "Journal of Philosophical Logic" on "Logic in India", Deadline: 1 Jan 2010

Logic in India
     Call for Submissions for Special Issue
     of Journal of Philosophical Logic

Ancient cultures in India discussed Logic as a branch of knowledge at 
length within the ambit of philosophy.  With the development of the 
Navya-Nyaya school in the fourteenth century, logic in India became 
relatively formal. There has been a continuing tradition of discussion and 
debate in the realm of philosophical logic in India.

The advent of mathematical logic in the last century and the flowering of 
computer science in its second half has had a tremendous impact on how 
Logic is understood. In current times, we do not talk of Logic, but of 
'logics'. Many of the new logics not only have applications in the 
information sciences but also give rise to important philosophical issues. 
This has led to a renewed focus on logics developed in the Indian 
subcontinent and their relation to formal theories.

Currently, Indian research in logic spans the spectrum of mathematical and 
philosophical logics, computer science and artificial intelligence, as 
well as historically Indian systems, though carried out within a small 
community. The nascent ICLA series of Indian Conferences on Logic and its 
Applications has created an opportunity for this community to interact 
with colleagues from around the world. The recently established 
Association for Logic in India (see http://ali.cmi.ac.in/) also underlines 
the wide spectrum of logics currently investigated in India.

It is in this context that a special issue of the Journal of Philosophical 
Logic (see http://www.springer.com/philosophy/logic/journal/10992) on the 
theme of Logic in India is being planned. Please see the Special Issue 


for details. The issue is intended to highlight the trends of research in 
logic, with philosophical implications, carried out in India: these cover 
areas that include Philosophical Logic (and formal linguistics); Systems 
of logic in the Indian tradition such as Navya-Nyaya; Mathematical studies 
of imprecision, belief revision and heuristics; Modal, temporal and 
epistemic logics with applications to computer sciences; automata oriented 

Potential authors who are interested to submit to this volume are 
requested to send an email to one of the Guest Editors, by /August 15, 
2009/, mentioning their intention, with a title and an abstract of one 

Submission Deadline: January 1, 2010
Acceptance Decision: July 1, 2010
Final Manuscript: September 1, 2010
Publication Date (tentative): first issue of 2011


Rohit Parikh, City University of New York, rohitcuny@juno.com
R. Ramanujam, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, jam@imsc.res.in
Hans van Ditmarsch, University of Sevilla, hvd@us.es
