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PASR: Philosophical Aspects of Symbolic Reasoning in Early Modern Science and Mathematics

27-29 August 2009
Ghent, Belgium

Following some requests, the deadline for submission of abstracts has been
extended until April 30th.

An International Conference at the University of Ghent on Philosophical 
Aspects of Symbolic Reasoning in Early Modern Science and Mathematics 


Venue: Het Pand, in the historical center of Ghent, Belgium.

Date: 27, 28 and 29 August 2009

This conference brings together scholars working on philosophy of science,
history of philosophy and history of science and/or mathematics. The topic 
the role of symbolic representations in the development of modern science a
mathematics from the end of the sixteenth century throughout the seventeent


  * The emergence of symbolic algebra
  * Views on symbolism in seventeenth-century philosophy
  * Reasoning with symbolic representations of natural phenomena
  * The role of diagrams and illustrations in early modern science
  * Semiotic and model-based approaches to symbolic representations
  * Mathesis Universalis and Characteristica Universalis
  * Cross-cultural studies on the use of symbols in the mathematical
  * ...

Invited speakers:

* Jens Hyrup, Roskilde University, Denmark:
"Hesitating progress -- the slow development toward algebraic symbolization
abbacus- and related manuscripts, c. 1300 to c. 1550"
* Eberhard Knobloch, Technische Universitt Berlin, Germany:
"Leibniz between ars characteristica and ars inveniendi: Unknown news about
Cajori's 'master-builder of mathematical notations'"
* Marco Panza, CNRS, Paris, France:
"Does algebra need a (literal) formalism"
* Matthias Schemmel, Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Germany:
"Medieval Representations of Change and Their Early Modern Application."
* Michel Serfati, Paris VII, France:
"Scientific revolution, symbolic revolution; mathematical and philosophical

Submission of abstracts:
Abstracts should contain between 500 and 1000 words and should be submitted
electronically to pasr@ugent.be. Microsoft Word, TeX or PDF files are accep
All abstracts which we received are acknowledged by mail within 10 days. 
Deadline for abstracts is 15 April 2009. They will be refereed in order of
arrival, and authors will be informed as soon as possible but not later tha
n 30 
May 2009.

Conference proceedings:
The organizers intend to publish the invited papers and a selection of 
contributed papers partly in a special volume of a journal and partly in a 
of an academic publisher. A call for final papers will be issued during the

Conference chairs:
Albrecht Heeffer, Maarten van Dyck

Program comittee:
Albrecht Heeffer, Marco Panza, Chikara Sasaki, Maarten van Dyck.