Logic List Mailing Archive

Postdoctoral position in Philosophy of Science, Stuttgart (Germany), Deadline: 30 April 2009

Postdoc Position at the Cluster of Excellence in Simulation Technology

Universitt Stuttgart with its 20,000 students and 7,000 employees is one
the leading European Research Universities with a main focus on engineering
natural sciences. Universitt Stuttgart is committed to excellent basic a
applied research and interdisciplinary academic education. The excellence
initiative of the German state and federal governments has approved the fun
of the Cluster of Excellence EXC 310 Simulation Technology (SimTech) at 
Universitt Stuttgart (www.simtech.uni-stuttgart.de). In this context, th
newly established Stuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology (SRC
SimTech) is asking for applications for a scientist at the Postdoc level to
pursue research in a future-orientated research field.

Postdoc in philosophy of science

The research should be devoted to the epistemology of simulation with a 
particular focus on conceptualisations of methodological strategies for cop
with uncertainty. Case studies drawn from the SimTech Cluster and close 
collaboration with natural scientists and engineers on methodological issue
should form an integral part of the research. The successful candidate has 
background in philosophy of science, epistemology or logic. The position wi
the designated salary bracket TV-L 13 has a limited tenure of three years w
a possible extension.

The Postdoc is expected to participate actively in the SimTech Teaching 
Programmes and Industry Transfer Concepts.

Applications with the usual documents (CV, degree certificates, references,
publication list, letter of motivation) should be sent directly to the Juni
Professor to arrive not later than April 30, 2009.

For further position and information please see: www.simtech.uni-stuttgart.

The post is located at the Institute of Philosophy 
(www.uni-stuttgart.de/philo/). Applications should be sent to:
Universitt Stuttgart

Juniorprof. Dr. Gregor Betz
Seidenstrae 36
70174 Stuttgart

Die Universitt Stuttgart mchte den Anteil der Frauen im wissenschaftl
Bereich erhhen und ist deshalb an Bewerbungen von Frauen besonders 
interessiert. Vollzeitstellen sind grundstzlich teilbar. Schwerbehindert
werden bei gleicher Eignung vorrangig eingestellt. Die Einstellung erfolgt
durch die Zentrale Verwaltung.

Bewerbungsschluss: 30.04.2009