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Effective Mathematics of the Uncountable (EMU 2008)

18-22 August 2008
New York City NY, U.S.A.

Effective Mathematics of the Uncountable (EMU 2008)
August 18-22, 2008
The CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue, New York City

Although classical computable model theory is most naturally concerned with
countable domains, several methods---some old, some new---extend its basic
concepts to uncountable structures. The purpose of this workshop is to stud
these various extensions of effectivity to the uncountable, bringing togeth
experts in such topics as sigma-definable structures, alpha-recursion theor
ordinal computability, Blum-Shub-Smale machines, infinite time Turing machi
and locally computable structures, among others. The workshop will both pro
tutorial-type introductions to each approach and aim ultimately at the 
exploration of their connections.

The workshop begins in just a few weeks, so please come enjoy a week of log
in New York City. The CUNY Graduate Center is located in midtown Manhattan,
across the corner from the Empire State Building.

Speakers include:

Wesley Calvert, Murray State University
Noam Greenberg, Victoria University of Wellington
Joel David Hamkins, The City University of New York
Julia Knight, University of Notre Dame
Peter Koepke, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitt Bonn
Russell Miller, Queens College of CUNY
Antonio Montalbn, University of Chicago
Richard A. Shore, Cornell University
Alexey I. Stukachev, Sobelev Institute of Mathematics
Philip Welch, University of Bristol
+ additional speakers may still be arranged


Noam Greenberg, Noam.Greenberg@mcs.vuw.ac.nz
Joel Hamkins, jdh@hamkins.org
Denis Hirschfeldt, drh@math.uchicago.edu
Russell Miller, Russell.Miller@qc.cuny.edu

This EMU workshop is funded by a generous grant from the Templeton Foundati
a part of their program Exploring the Infinite, Phase I: Mathematics and 
Mathematical Logic.

All interested participants are welcome to attend the workshop. There is no
registration fee. Limited funds are available to support graduate student a
junior faculty participants. Please contact Denis Hirschfeldt or the other
organizers about travel funding.

Please forward this announcement to all interested parties.

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