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Postdoctoral position in computational linguistics, Nancy (France), Deadline: 15 Feb 2008

Postdoctoral Position at INRIA Nancy (France)

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics

Topic: Surface realisation and large scale over-generation detection

Deadline: February 15, 2008.

Employer: INRIA (French National Institute for Research in Computer
Science) Nancy Grand Est (France)

Job Description: The Lorraine Laboratory of IT Research and its
Applications (Nancy, France) has a position for a Postdoctoral fellow
to work on the development of a surface realiser for French.

Applicants must have a ** recent doctoral degree ** (Doctoral thesis
less than one year old before the recruitment's date) or defend their
PhD before the end of 2008. They must have expertise in an area
relevant to the project (linguistics, computational linguistics,
computer science), strong hands-on experience in Natural Language
Processing and a particular interest in NL generation.  A good
knowledge of Haskell is a necessity.

Further particulars and details of how to apply are available at:


The official closing date is February 15, 2007, but applications will
be processed until the position is filled.

Contact:        Claire Gardent <claire.gardent@loria.fr>