Logic List Mailing Archive

Computer Science Logic 2002 (CSL'02) announcement (fwd)

Annual Conference of the European Association for
                        Computer Science Logic


                 22--25 September 2002, Edinburgh, UK

Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European
Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). The conference is
intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve
logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for
computer science. Suggested topics of interest include: automated
deduction and interactive theorem proving, constructive mathematics
and type theory, equational logic and term rewriting, linear logic,
logical aspects of computational complexity, finite model theory,
higher order logic, logic programming and constraints, lambda and
combinatory calculi, logical foundations of programming paradigms,
modal and temporal logics, model checking, functions of program
development (specification, extraction, transformation...),
categorical logic and topological semantics, domain theory, database

The following have agreed to deliver invited lectures:
 Susumu HAYASHI (Kobe)
 Frank NEVEN (Limburg)
 Damian NIWINSKI (Warsaw)

The proceedings will be published in the Sprinter Lecture Notes in
Computer Science.
Submitted papers must describe work not previously published. They
must not be submitted concurrently to a journal or to another
conference. Papers authored or coauthored by members of the Programme
Committee are not allowed. Papers should not exceed 15 pages in
Springer LNCS style. Further details of the submission requirements will
be available at the conference web page (see below).

The provisional key dates for the conference are:

   Submission: 29 March 2002

   Notification: 2 June 2002

   Final copy due: 21 June 2002

Intending authors should check the conference Web page for any
subsequent changes to these dates.

Further information on all aspects of the conference will be found on
the conference Web page:


Programme Committee:
      Thorsten Altenkirch (U. Nottingham);
      Rajeev Alur (U. Pennsylvania);
      Michael Benedikt (Bell Labs);
      Julian Bradfield (U. Edinburgh (Chair));
      Anuj Dawar (U. Cambridge);
      Yoram Hirshfeld (U. Tel Aviv);
      Ulrich Kohlenbach (U. Aarhus);
      Johann Makowsky (Technion Haifa);
      Dale Miller (Pennsylvania State U.);
      Luke Ong (U. Oxford);
      Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon U.);
      Philippe Schnoebelen (ENS Cachan);
      Luc Segoufin (INRIA Rocquencourt);
      Alex Simpson (U. Edinburgh);
      Thomas Streicher (T.U. Darmstadt).