Logic List Mailing Archive

Sacks Prize

I am writing to remind you that September 30 is the deadline for
nominations for the Sacks prize.  This prize honors the year's best Ph.D.
thesis in logic.  If one of your students wrote a great thesis and got the
Ph.D. between October 1, 2000, and September 30, 20001, please nominate
him or her.  Details are in the announcement appended to this message.
Sincerely yours,
Andreas Blass

2001 Sacks Prize.
The Sacks Prize, for the best doctoral dissertation in mathematical 
logic, will be awarded for the seventh time in December, 2001. This 
prize was established to honor Professor Gerald Sacks of MIT and 
Harvard for his unique contribution to
mathematical logic, particularly as adviser to a large number of 
excellent PhD students. The Prize became an ASL Prize in 1999; the 
Fund on which the Prize is based is now administered by the ASL and 
the selection of the recipient is made by the ASL Committee on Prizes 
and Awards. The Sacks Prize will consist of a cash award plus five 
years free membership in the ASL.

Students who complete their degrees (equivalent to the American
doctoral degree) between October 1, 2000, and September 30, 2001, are
eligible for the Prize this year. This is an international prize, with
no restriction on the nationality of the candidate or the university
where the doctorate is granted. Nominations should be made by the
thesis adviser, and consist of: name of student, title and 1--2 page
description of dissertation, date and location where the doctorate was
awarded, letter of recommendation from the adviser, and an electronic
copy of the thesis in .ps form, or the address of a web site from
which an electronic copy in .ps, .dvi, or .pdf form can be downloaded;
an independent second letter of recommendation is strongly
encouraged. Nominations should be sent to the Committee Chair, Andreas
Blass; TeX or PostScript files, sent by e-mail to
ablass@umich.edu are preferred. Correspondence should be
addressed to Andreas Blass, Department of Mathematics, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1109.  Nominations must be
received by September 30, 2001.

Those wishing to contribute to the Sacks Prize Fund may send
contributions to the ASL office (ASL, Box 742, Vassar College, 124 
Raymond Avenue, Poughkeepsie, New York 12604); all such contributions
are tax-deductible within the USA.

Association for Symbolic Logic
Box 742 Vassar College
124 Raymond Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604, USA

Fax: 845-437-7830
WWW: aslonline.org