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SWAT 2006: 10th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, July 2006, Latvia


     10th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory
         SWAT 2006

       July 6-8, 2006
        Riga, Latvia


The Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT) is a biennial
international conference, which alternates with the Workshop on
Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS), intended as a forum for
researchers in the area of design and analysis of algorithms and data
structures. Since 1988 SWAT has been held in the five Nordic
countries, but this year's conference - the 10th in the series - will
be held in the neighboring Baltic region, which has traditionally had
a strong connection to the Nordic countries.

We invite submissions of papers presenting original research on
algorithms and data structures in all areas, including but not limited
to approximation algorithms, computational biology, computational
geometry, distributed algorithms, external-memory algorithms, graph
algorithms, online algorithms, optimization algorithms, parallel
algorithms, randomized algorithms, string algorithms and algorithmic
game theory.

Submissions must be of at most 12 pages (including references), using
11 point or larger font and with reasonable line spacing and margins.
Additionally a clearly marked appendix may be included; this appendix
will not be regarded as part of the submission and will be considered
only at the discretion of the program committee. Simultaneous
submission to other conferences with published proceedings is not
allowed. Contributors should submit their paper electronically at

The proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS) series. The final version of each accepted
paper must be submitted in electronic form conforming to the LNCS
style and not exceeding 12 pages.

For further information, please consult the conference web page at
http://www.lumii.lv/swat or e-mail rusinsf@latnet.lv or

Important dates:
Deadline for submission: February 13, 2006
Notification of authors: March 24, 2006
Final version due: April 20, 2006

Program committee:
Pankaj Agarwal (Duke University),
Lars Arge (University of Aarhus and Duke University - Co-Chair),
Gerth Brodal (University of Aarhus),
Adam Buchsbaum (AT&T Labs Research),
Karlis Cerans (University of Latvia),
Erik Demaine (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
Lars Engebretsen (Google Switzerland),
Jeff Erickson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),
Rusins Freivalds (University of Latvia - Co-Chair),
Pinar Heggernes (University of Bergen),
J. Ian Munro (University of Waterloo),
S. Muthukrishnan (Rutgers University),
Rasmus Pagh (IT University of Copenhagen),
Hadas Shachnai (The Technion),
Gerhard Woeginger (Eindhoven University of Technology).

Organizing committee:
Rusins Freivalds (University of Latvia),
Lelde Lace (University of Latvia),
Andrzej Lingas (Lund University),
Inara Opmane (University of Latvia - Chair),
Juris Smotrovs (University of Latvia).

Steering committee:
Lars Arge (University of Aarhus),
Magnus M. Halldorsson (University of Iceland),
Rolf Karlsson (Lund University),
Andrzej Lingas (Lund University),
Jan Arne Telle (University of Bergen),
Esko Ukkonen (University of Helsinki).