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CfP: Special Issue fo TCS on "Applied Semantics"

=09=09=09=09   CALL FOR PAPERS

=09=09=09=09    Special Issue on
=09=09=09=09         of
=09=09               Theoretical Computer Science

=09       http://lionel.tcs.ifi.lmu.de/APPSEM05/journal_call.php

We invite the submission of full papers on the topic of Applied Semantics,
as described below, for publication in a special issue of the Journal of
Theoretical Computer Science (TCS).  Papers should be revised versions of
those papers submitted to and presented at the APPSEM05 Workshop,
Frauenchiemsee, Germany, September 12-15. However, we will consider
submissions of papers not presented there, provided they fall into the
scope of the call and clearly work out a novel contribution to the field
that wasn't mature enough to be presented at the aforementioned workshop.

Programming languages are the basic tools with which all applications of
computers are built.  It is important, therefore, that they should be well
designed and well implemented. Achieving these goals requires both a good
theoretical understanding of programming language designs, and practical
skills in the development of high quality compilers. This special issue
will cover all these areas and will focus on the formal basis for
programming languages.

The general areas covered by this special issue are as follows:

   1. Program structuring: object-oriented programming, modules,
   2. Proof assistants, functional programming, and dependent types,
   3. Program analysis, generation, and configuration,
   4. Specification and verification methods,
   5. Types and type inference in programming,
   6. Games, sequentiality, and abstract machines,
   7. Semantic methods for distributed computing,
   8. Resource models and web data,
   9. Continuous phenomena in Computer Science.
  10. Industrial applications.

This list is non-exclusive, but contributions that do not clearly fall
into one of these topics should carefully work out their relationship.

We particularly invite industrial contributions covering the areas above. 
This could mean development of a novel language, a novel compiler, program
analysis tools, or indeed, just a semantic model for a new kind of
application.  Again, this list is not exclusive and we welcome papers on
any kind of industrial work which is informed by the science of
programming languages, clearly states the problem being solved and
elaborates on the main techniques of the above research areas being used
to solve it.

Programme committee:
. Gavin Bierman, Microsoft Research
. Olivier Danvy, University of Aarhus
. Peter Dybjer, Chalmers University of Technology
. Martin Hofmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t M?nchen (Chair)
. Neil Jones, University of Copenhagen
. Hans Wolfgang Loidl, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t M?nchen
. Peter O'Hearn, Queen Mary College, University of London
. Uday Reddy, University of Birmingham
. Didier Remy, INRIA Rocquencourt
. Ian Stark, University of Edinburgh
. Thomas Streicher, Technische Universit?t Darmstadt
. Peter Thiemann, Universit?t Freiburg

Format of submission (see links below): 

Papers should be formatted according to Elsevier's elsart document style,
used for articles in the Journal of Theoretical Computer Science.
Submission should be electronically in .pdf format via the APPSEM Workshop
page.  Papers should have 20-25 pages, including appendices. Papers
exceeding the upper bound may be rejected without refereeing.

Important dates:
. Paper submission:   8.1.2006
. Notification:=09     27.2.2006
. Camera-ready copy: 27.3.2006

. APPSEM05 page and paper submissions: http://lionel.tcs.ifi.lmu.de/APPSE
. TCS page: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/
. Document style (elsart.cls): http://authors.elsevier.com/latex