Logic List Mailing Archive

WLP 2006: 20th Workshop on Logic Programming, Vienna, Austria (Feb 2006)

                                 WLP 2006

                            20th Workshop on
                            Logic Programming

                          February 22 - 24, 2006
                  Vienna University of Technology, Austria

                ***Submission deadline: November 14, 2005***



The series of workshops on (constraint) logic programming serve as the
annual meeting of the Society of Logic Programming (GLP, Gesellschaft
f?r Logische Programmierung e.V.) and bring together researchers interest
in logic programming, constraint programming, and related areas like
databases and artificial intelligence. Previous workshops have been held
in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The workshops provide a forum for
exchanging ideas on declarative logic programming, nonmonotonic reasoning
and knowledge representation, and facilitate interactions between research
in theoretical foundations and in the design and implementation of
logic-based programming systems. The technical program of the workshop will
include invited talks, presentations of refereed papers, and system


Contributions are welcome on all theoretical, experimental,
and application aspects of constraint and logic programming,
including, but not limited to the following areas (the order
does not reflect any priorities):

* Theoretical aspects:
  o foundations of constraint programming (CP) and logic programming (LP);
  o constraint solving and optimization;
  o extensions: functional logic programming, objects;
  o deductive databases, data mining;
  o nonmonotonic reasoning;
  o dynamics, updates, states, transactions;
  o interaction of CP/LP with other formalisms like agents, XML, JAVA;
  o program analysis, program transformation, program verification,
    meta pogramming;
  o parallelism and concurrency;
  o rule-based systems;
  o abductive and inductive logic programming;
  o answer-set programming;
  o complexity and expressive power.

* Implementation of systems:
  o system descriptions, comparisons, evaluations;
  o benchmarks;
  o implementation techniques;
  o software techniques (e.g., types, modularity, design patterns, debuggin

* Application of logic programming:
  o logic programming in production, management, environment,
    education, medicine, internet, etc.;
  o CP/LP for Semantic Web applications and reasoning on the Semantic Web;
  o data modelling for the Web, semistructured data, and Web query language
  o knowledge representation and reasoning.

The primary focus is on new and original research results but
submissions describing innovative products, prototypes under
development, or interesting experiments (e.g., benchmarks) are
also encouraged.


Submission of papers:         November 14, 2005
Notification of acceptance:   December 19, 2005
Camera-ready papers:          January  23, 2006
Workshop:                     February 22-24, 2006


Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (no longer
than 10 pages including figures and references) or a system
description (no longer than 3 pages) in PDF or Postscript 
format (11pt). Submissions should include the title, authors' 
names, affiliations, addresses, and e-mail information. All submissions
must be written in English. Authors are strongly encouraged to use 
LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class file (in A4 format), available
at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html.

More information about the submission procedure will be available at
the workshop homepage.


Hans Tompits (Vienna University of Technology)


Slim Abdennadher (German University Cairo)
Gerd Brewka (University of Leipzig)
Francois Bry (University of Munich)
Marc Denecker (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Juergen Dix (Clausthal University of Technology)
Thom Fruehwirth (University of Ulm)
Ulrich Geske (FhG FIRST)
Michael Hanus (Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel)
Steffen Hoelldobler (Dresden University of Technology)
Gabriele Kern-Isberner (University of Dortmund)
Axel Polleres (University of Innsbruck)
Sebastian Schaffert (Salzburg Research)
Dietmar Seipel (University of Wuerzburg)
Hans Tompits (Vienna University of Technology)
Armin Wolf (FhG FIRST)


Michael Fink 
Hans Tompits (Chair)
Stefan Woltran


Hans Tompits
Knowledge-Based Systems Group E184/3
Institute of Information Systems
Vienna University of Technology

Favoritenstrasse 9-11
A-1040 Vienna

Email: wlp06@kr.tuwien.ac.at

