Logic List Mailing Archive

CfA: Postdoc 1y+1y in Logic, Torino (Italy), deadline: 22.01.2024

Dear all,

A call for applications for a research grant in logic at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Torino has been published at this link<https://webapps.unito.it/albo_ateneo/?area=Albo&action=Read&search_keywords=&advsearch%5Bid_tipologia_atto%5D=&advsearch%5Bnum_rep%5D=6587&advsearch%5Byear%5D=&advsearch%5Bdate_from%5D=&advsearch%5Bdate_to%5D=&go=Cerca>
https://webapps.unito.it/albo_ateneo/?area=Albo&action=Read&search_keywords=&advsearch%5Bid_tipologia_atto%5D=&advsearch%5Bnum_rep%5D=6587&advsearch%5Byear%5D=&advsearch%5Bdate_from%5D=&advsearch%5Bdate_to%5D=&go=Cerca  (notice the document at the end of the linked page). It is possible to apply online at this link<https://pica.cineca.it/unito/assegni-di-ricerca-unito-2023-iv-sdn/> https://pica.cineca.it/unito/assegni-di-ricerca-unito-2023-iv-sdn/ . To follow some useful information.

The intended research area of the position is in model and/or set theory and/or related areas of algebra (in particular group theory). Salary is standard for Italian post-doc positions (€ 19.367 per year before taxes). The position carries no teaching load. The position is of 12 month, and there are funds to cover an extension to up to another 12 months, prior evaluation. The grant is relative to the PRIN 2022 project 'Models, Sets and Classifications’. For further information, the interested candidates can write to the PI of the project: gianluca.paolini@unito.it<mailto:gianluca.paolini@unito.it>.

The deadline for application is 22/01/2024.

Gianluca Paolini
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