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CfA ERC-Funded PostDoc and PhD positions in combinatorial optimization (certifying algorithms/proof logging), VUB (Brussels, Belgium), deadline: 18. January 2024

Dear colleagues,

There are some open positions in my group. I would be very grateful if you could help me distribute this call to any potential candidate.


I'm looking for talented PhD students and PostDocs to join the CertiFOX team. You will work on an exciting project in which we will bring certifying algorithms (proof logging) from low-level languages (such as SAT, where this approach is notoriously succesful) to high-level modelling languages. The grand goal we will work towards is to get end-to-end guarantees of correctness of runs of combinatorial optimization engines, all the way from human-readable input specifications to the produced answers.

If this triggers your scientific curiousity, and you are (or want to become) a productive researcher in combinatorial optimization, have a look at the project webpage (under construction): https://bartbogaerts.eu/projects/CertiFOX

PostDocs can apply at https://jobs.vub.be/job/Elsene-PostDoc-in-Combinatorial-Search-&-Optimization-%28Certifying-Algorithms-Proof-Logging%29/1006990301/
PhD students can apply at https://jobs.vub.be/job/Elsene-PhD-Scholarship-in-Combinatorial-Search-&-Optimization-%28Certifying-Algorithms-Proof-Logging%29/1006993801/

Don't hesitate to send me an e-mail if you have any questions.


Prof. Bart Bogaerts
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Department of Computer Science
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Brussels, 3rd floor
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