Logic List Mailing Archive

CfParticipation: Model theory and groups : A conference on the occasion of Katrin Tent's 60th birthday, 25 - 29 September 2023, Münster (Germany)

Model theory and groups
A conference on the occasion of Katrin Tent's 60th birthday
25 - 29 September 2023, Mnster, Germany


The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers working in mode
l theory and group theory, with a particular view towards geometric group t


Simon Andr (Universitt Mnster)
Agatha Atkarskaya (Hebrew University)
Sahana Balasumbramanya (Buffalo)
Emmanuel Breuillard (Oxford)
Zo Chatzidakis (ENS Paris)
Javier de la Nuez Gonzales (KIAS)
Cornelia Drutu (Oxford)
Shirly Geffen (Universitt Mnster)
Ursula Hamenstdt (Bonn)
Ehud Hrushovski (Oxford)
Itay Kaplan (Hebrew University)
Alexander Kechris (Caltech)
Dugald Macpherson (Leeds)
Daniel Palacn (Complutense Universidad de Madrid) Aristotelis Panagiotop
oulos (Canergie Mellon) Chlo Perin (Hebrew University) Kobi Peterzil (Ha
ifa) Dan Segal (Oxford) Zlil Sela (Hebrew University) Katrin Tent (Universi
tt Mnster) Frank Wagner (Lyon 1) Boris Zilber (Oxford)


Zaniar Ghadernezhad (Buckingham)
Martin Hils (Universitt Mnster)
Franziska Jahnke (Universitt Mnster)
Isabel Mller (American University of Cairo)


The conference will end at the latest on Friday 29 Sept at 15:00.


Registration is now closed; if you still like to attend, please email Pauli
na Weischer (paulinaweischer@uni-muenster.de).

Financial Support for Early Career Researchers

We have some limited funding to support local costs for early career resear
chers. To apply for this, applicants should register to the meeting, provid
e their CV and arrange for a a short letter of support by their advisor, bo
th to be sent by email to Zaniar Ghadernezhad zaniar.gh@gmail.com.

The deadline for funding applications is 30 June, 2023.

Support and child care

Child care is available free of charge for all participants of the workshop
. Please contact the organizers in case you would like to arrange for child