Logic List Mailing Archive

First conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics

5-7 Sep 2023
London, England

The 1st Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of 
Mathematics will take place at King’s College London from the 5th to the 
7th of September 2023.

A website with the program and more info can be found 


   *   5th and 6th of September: Council Room (K2.29), King’s Building, Strand WC2R 2LS
   *   7th of September: Room K4.31, King’s Building, Strand WC2R 2LS

The conference is mainly supported by the AHRC Research Grant H/V015516/1 
“Properties, Paradox, and Circularity. A New, Type-Free Account” awarded 
to Salvatore Florio (CoI) and Carlo Nicolai (PI).

Invited speakers:

   *   Andrew Arana (University of Lorraine)
   *   Volker Halbach (University of Oxford)
   *   Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht University)
   *   Daniel Isaacson (University of Oxford)
   *   Øystein Linnebo (University of Oslo)
   *   Mary Leng (University of York)
   *   Philip Welch (University of Bristol)

Contributed Speakers:

   *   Michele Contente (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
   *   Maciej GÅ‚owacki (University of Warsaw)
   *   Deborah Kant (University of Hamburg)
   *   Simon Schmitt (University of Torino)
   *   Davide Sutto (University of Oslo)
   *   Nata Yang (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy)
   *   Benjamin Zayton (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy)
   *   Matteo Zicchetti (University of Warsaw)

Please register for attendance (required for security) by sending an email 
to maria.buonaguidi[at]kcl.ac.uk<http://kcl.ac.uk/>.


Maria Beatrice Buonaguidi (she/they)
Department of Philosophy, King's College London
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