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CAOS 2022: Cognition & Ontologies

15-19 Aug 2022
Joenkoeping, Sweden

CAOS 2022 - Call for Papers

Cognition And OntologieS
part of the 8th Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2022) held August 15-19 in Jönköping, Sweden

Submission deadline: June 3

Website: http://caos.inf.unibz.it

The purpose of the workshop is to bridge the gap between the cognitive 
sciences and research on formal ontologies and, thus, to create a venue 
for researchers interested in interdisciplinary aspects of knowledge 

More specifically, CAOS investigates key cognitive phenomena and concepts 
(and the involved terminology) that can be found across language, 
psychology, and reasoning, and how they can be formally and ontologically 
understood and analysed. The exploration of the connection between 
cognitive sciences/experimental psychology and ontologies, as well as, 
more generally, symbolic AI, aims also to provide formal and logical 
modelling and reasoning approaches for capturing such connections. CAOS, 
thus, seeks answers to ways such formalisations and ontological analysis 
can be exploited in Artificial Intelligence and information systems, also 
in practical application.

We welcome submissions on topics related to the ontology of hypothesised 
building blocks of cognition (such as image schemas, affordances, 
categories, and related notions) and of cognitive capacities (such as 
concept invention and combination, language acquisition and 
categorisation), as well as system-demonstrations modelling these 
capacities in application settings. We also welcome submissions addressing 
the cognitive and epistemological adequacy of ontological modelling.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

   *   Ontologies of cognitive phenomena
   *   Cognitive foundations of ontologies and ontologies of cognitive theories (e.g. connection with conceptual spaces, diagrammatic representations, mental models, prototypes, image schemas, scripts etc.)
   *   Empirical foundations of ontologies: ontologies driven from observations, measurements, tests, and in general from data acquired using empirical procedures
   *   Logic and Cognition (challenges, possible solutions and validation scenarios)
   *   Formal representation of cognitive structures / functions / processes
   *   Knowledge Representation and Common-Sense
   *   Formalisation/modelling of language, image schemas and/or affordance
   *   Concept invention and concept combination
   *   Cognitive and language development from an ontological perspective
   *   Metaphors and analogies (formal representation, ontological analysis)
   *   AI for language understanding
   *   Knowledge acquisition and categorisation in AI and Robotics
   *   Concept-based computational creativity
   *   Embodied cognition, image schemas, affordances for AI
   *   Neural networks and ontological modelling.

We welcome researchers from all career stages to participate. Besides full research papers, work in progress (short papers) and extended abstracts (presentation only) are also welcome since a central goal of the workshop is the discussion of ongoing interdisciplinary work.

All research papers must be original and not submitted to or accepted by any other workshop, conference or journal. Note, that for inclusion in the JOWO proceedings, short papers are required to be at least 5 pages long.

All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and the review process will be managed in a collaborative and transparent manner using the EasyChair System as part of the JOWO conference.


Submission deadline: June 3 , 2022

Submission link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=jowo2022

(select the track for CAOS VI: “Cognition And OntologieS”)

Paper formats:

We encourage three types of contributions:

  • Full research paper: submitted papers must have between 10 and 12 pages + an additional page for references (if necessary).

  • Short paper: submitted papers must have between 5 and 6 pages + an additional page for references (if necessary).

  • Abstract for presentation: 1-2 page abstracts (including references) for presentation.

(Note that abstracts will not be included in the proceedings as a research paper, but will be included in the introduction to the workshop proceedings.)

Papers should be submitted non-anonymously in PDF format in compliance with the new 1-column CEUR-ART Style. Word and Latex templates can be found at: https://ceurws.wordpress.com/2020/03/31/ceurws-publishes-ceurart-paper-style/

All contributions to JOWO workshops will be published in a joint CEUR proceedings volume, compare:

JOWO 2021: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2969/

JOWO 2020: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2708/

JOWO 2019: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2518/

JOWO 2018: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2205/


Guendalina Righetti, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Maria Hedblom, Jönköping University

Oliver Kutz, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Program Committee

Taisuke Akimoto, Kyushu Institute of Technology

Hadi Banaee, Örebro University

Daniel Bessler, University of Bremen

João Miguel Cunha, University of Coimbra

Roberta Ferrario, CNR

Laura Giordano, Università del Piemonte Orientale

Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Technische Universität Dortmund

Martha Lewis, University of Amsterdam

Daniele Porello, University of Genoa

Marco Schorlemmer, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, IIIA-CSIC

Tony Veale, University College Dublin
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