Logic List Mailing Archive

85th Birthday of John N. Crossley, Virtual

14-15 Jun 2022

A two day logic conference to mark the 85th birthday of John N. Crossley
will take place on the dates of 14-15 June 2022 (the sessions will be
scheduled in AEST but they will be friendly to North-American and European
time zones as well). This will be a fully online Zoom event (please contact
the organizer, Guillermo Badia, at g.badia@uq.edu.au for the links). The
website of the event is:
Everyone is quite welcome to attend!

The speakers will be:

Anil Nerode (Cornell University, USA)

Yuri Gurevich (University of Michigan, USA)

Rohit Parikh (CUNY, USA)

Rod Downey (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)

Wilfrid Hodges (British Academy London, UK)

Martin Wirsing (LMU Munich, Germany)

Johan van Benthem (Stanford & Amsterdam, USA and the Netherlands)

Liz Sonenberg (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Geoff Sutcliffe (University of Miami, USA)
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