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APMP 2021: Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, Virtual

30 Jun - 3 Jul 2021

Registration open: Sixth International Meeting of the Association for the 
Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. June 30 ? July 3rd, 2021.

The meeting will be held as a Virtual Conference, through Zoom provided by Chapman University.
Participation is free, but in order to join the meeting, please register at the following page https://www.accelevents.com/e/APMPConference
Following this link, you will also find the conference program.

Keynote speakers

Laura Crosilla (University of Oslo, Norway)

Andrew Granville (Universite de Montréal, Canada))

Orna Harari (Tel Aviv University, Israel)

Dirk Schlimm (McGill University, Canada)

The meeting is organised by the Association for the Philosophy of 
Mathematical Practice, see http://www.philmathpractice.org/

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