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Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures: Waterloo, Canada, August 2005

Early registration deadline: June 18, 2005


        Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
                       WADS 2005
               August 15 - August 17, 2005
          Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada

     in conjunction with CCCG 2005, CAAN'05 and F-CWCA.

The Workshop on Algorithms And Data Structures, WADS 2005, will be held
August 15-17, 2005, at the University of Waterloo, in Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada. WADS is intended as a forum for researchers in the area of design
and analysis of algorithms and data structures. The workshop includes
papers presenting original research on algorithms and data structures in
all areas, including combinatorics, computational geometry, databases,
graphics, and parallel and distributed computing. Proceedings are
published in the Springer Verlag series Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Immediately before WADS 2005, a satellite workshop on Combinatorial and
Algorithmic Aspects of Networking (CAAN 2005) will be held. As well, in
coordination with WADS, the Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
(CCCG 2005) will take place on August 10-12 in the nearby city of Windsor,
and the Franco-Canadian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms will take
place on August 18-20, in nearby Hamilton, Ontario.

WADS 2005 Invited Speakers:

Allan Borodin, University of Toronto
Max J. Egenhofer, National Center for Geographic Information and
                  Analysis, University of Maine

Further information:


Alex Lopez-Ortiz                                   alopez-o@uwaterloo.ca
http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o                     Associate Professor
School of Computer Science                        University of Waterloo