Logic List Mailing Archive

"On denoting, 100 years" (Utrecht, June 24)

I direct your attention to "On denoting, 100 years", an event brought to 
you by the OzsL, the VvL and the Heyting Foundation, on Friday, the 24th 
of June 2005 (in Utrecht) On Saturday, the 25th of June 2005, there will 
be the first Paris - Amsterdam Logic Meeting of Young Researchers (in 
Amsterdam) See for more information and registration: below and 

Best wishes,

Frank de Haas


On denoting - 100 years

Location: Lecture room A in the Marinus Ruppert Building, Leuvenlaan 16,

09.30 	Coffee

10.00 	Welcome by Albert Visser

10.15 	Martin Stokhof
 	Title: Hand or Hammer?
 	Perspectives on the distinction between natural and formal languages

11.15 	Harm Boukema
 	Title: On Denoting and its History

12.15 	Lunch break

14.00 	Rob van der Sandt
 	Title: Russell was Right After All.
 	Representational and dynamic treatment of descriptions

15.00 	Philippe Schlenkler
 	Conditionals as Definite Descriptions

16.00 	Tea

16.30 	Forum discussion with Paul Dekker