Logic List Mailing Archive

Training Workshop "Mathematical Logic and Applications" (September 2005, Fischbachau, Germany)

Training workshop on Mathematical Logic and Applications, Call for

The first of an annual series of training workshops of the early stage
training programme Mathematical Logic and Application (MATHLOGAPS) will
take place from

   September 5th through September 9th 2005 in Fischbachau,

a small village near Munich, Germany. The workshop will consist of four
lecture courses and various invited talks and student presentations. The
lecturers of the main courses will be Luke Ong (to be confirmed), Michael
Rathjen, Dana Scott, and Frank Wagner.

Since the number of places is limited we require an application via email

    May 23, 2005 12:00 noon CEST

Places left after that date will be allocated on a first come first serve
basis. A fee of 350 Euro for board and lodging will be payable directly to
the hotel. For mathlogaps students grants will be available. More
information (updated regularly), including detailed information on the
registration procedure, can be found at the homepage of the workshop at