Logic List Mailing Archive

FOM: AAL 2001 (fwd)

Second Announcement. AAL 2001. Please note the slight change in dates.

The 2001 meeting of the Australasian Association of Logic
will be held from 29 November-1 December 2001. It will be
held on campus at Victoria University of Wellington. 
Abstracts of papers should be submitted, either in hard
copy or by email, to the conference organiser by 31 August 2001.
Papers in any area of mathematical, computational, or philosophical
logic are welcome.

Invited Speaker: Stephen Read, University of St. Andrews

Conference Organiser: Ed Mares, Department of Philosophy,
Victoria University of Wellington, P.O. Box 600, Wellington,
New Zealand (Edwin.Mares@vuw.ac.nz).

There will be a conference webpage in place in August. 

Please copy this announcement to other lists.
Edwin Mares
Senior Lecturer
Department of Philosophy
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
Wellington, New Zealand

Ph: 64-4-463-5368
Fax: 64-4-463-5130