Demo of the Aggregators ======================================================== The file **aggregators.R** includes implementations of the aggregators proposed in the paper, together with some variations. The file **evaluation.R** contains functions that are used to evaluate the results against the gold standard. ```{r} source("./aggregators.R") source("./evaluation.R") ``` (Please make sure the auxiliary file **aux.R** is in the same directory.) ## Input Each aggregator takes as input a data frame which should have 3 columns named *Annotator*, *Item*, and *Category*. If evaluation is needed (or the oracle aggregator **ORA** is used), then the data frame should have an additional column named *Gold*. For example, below is the *Question Dialogue Acts (QDA)* dataset used in the paper. ```{r} qda <- read.csv("./QDA-annotations.csv", colClasses="character") head(qda, n=11) ``` ## Use of Aggregators There are 6 aggregators: **SPR**, **COM**, **INV**, **DIFF**, **RAT**, **AGR** (with 2 additional variations **AGR.PRIOR** and **AGR.ITER**). The result of applying an aggregator is a named vector showing the collective annotation for each item. For instance, below are some results for the *Simple Plurality Rule* (**SPR**). ```{r} qda.spr <- SPR(qda) head(qda.spr) ``` As a sanity check, we know from above that all annotators chose category 2 for item sw_0165_4079_A_59_utt2. ```{r} qda.spr["sw_0165_4079_A_59_utt2"] ``` Sure enough, **SPR** outputs category 2 for that item. ## Evaluation We can use the functions in **evaluation.R** to extract the gold standard and calculate the observed aggreement between an aggregator and the gold standard: ```{r} <- ReadGold(qda) head( ObservedAgreement(qda.spr, ``` (Please make sure to source **evaluation.R** if the oracle aggregator **ORA** is used, since it needs the *ReadGold* function to access the gold standard) ## Optional Arguments Other aggregators mostly work similarly, but the following aggregators have optional arguments. For **COM** and the **AGR** family (including **ORA**), by default the number of categories K is the number of different categories that annotators assigned to all the items, which may not be correct if a category was never used by any annotator. On the other hand, in that case sometimes it is not unreasonable to exclude that category. In any case, K can be explicitly specified, e.g., ```{r} <- COM(qda, K=4) head( ObservedAgreement(, ``` In addition, for **AGR.ITER**, the default maximal number of iterations is 50, but it can be modified, e.g., ```{r} qda.agrIter <- AGR.ITER(qda, K=4, iter.max=10) head(qda.agrIter) ObservedAgreement(qda.agrIter, ```